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    Autism friendly advice at Swalciffe Park School

    Our Careers Programme is designed to provide the best advice and guidance for our students.

    At Swalcliffe Park  we want every student to leave us prepared for life in the modern world and properly equipped to attain good quality of life outcomes.  One way in which we try to do this is through our comprehensive careers programme which reflects the needs of all our students and guides them on jobs suited to young adults with autism.

    We have  been assessed and accredited as “Fully meeting all the accreditation criteria incorporating the Gatsby Benchmarks” for the national The Quality in Careers Standard through ‘Investors in Careers.

    Careers advice for students

    At Swalcliffe, we encourage our students to be open-minded, inquisitive and positive about their aspirations and future careers.  We endeavour to show our students all the options open to them and provide them with access to quality careers advice on:

    • career pathways
    • trends in the work market
    • qualifications/skills required to gain entry to their career choice
    • technical routes and apprenticeships
    • further educational opportunities

    Our careers programme

    Careers advice including Further and Higher Education guidance are given in a variety of ways; as part of the curriculum, in tutor groups, enterprise groups and on a one-to-one basis – the latter is an important aspect of our focused independence and preparation for adulthood work.  At Swalcliffe we encourage our students to attend career days and fairs, visit colleges of further education and access online information and resources as well as providing access to an independent careers advisor.

    View our careers information hub designed for students and parents. 

    Download our Careers Programme Provision Map

    The school also has close links with local and regional businesses and enterprise initiatives. Students can benefit from work experience placements, volunteering and work in the community to develop their skills, increase their self-confidence and help them to make informed choices. The school also hosts speakers from local businesses and colleges and provides independent careers advice from Experience Services Warwickshire.

    We are always keen to hear of any offers of help in giving our students insight into a variety of workplaces. If you can help by offering to talk with our students or by offering a work shadowing placement, please contact our Careers Lead, Les Robinson on [email protected]

    We review our policy and the impact of it annually by measuring our student destination data. Details of our objectives and how this is provided for are included in the Careers Policy. Events and activities in the School Careers Programme are evaluated by students and staff via a range of methods e.g. with a survey before after the activities /talks etc. These evaluations are then processed and compared so that we can measure the impact on students and improve our offer each year. Our next review will take place in November 2022.

    We would like to invite our school partners to complete a survey regarding our careers services, please click here to access the survey.