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    View Our Ofsted Reports Swalcliffe Park School

    The school is regularly inspected by Ofsted for its Education provision and Care provision.

    Swalcliffe Park School is inspected annually by the government Ofsted inspectors. We are proud of our inspection history and our Ofsted rating. We believe inspections play a vital role in helping guide and direct our school development and strategy their support for what we are doing and recommendations for improvement are valued.

    Our last inspection was in February 2024 when Swalcliffe Park was again rated outstanding for the overall experiences and progress of children and young people.

    The Inspection report says

    Overall experiences and progress of children and young people: outstanding


    Students thrive by accessing the residential provision in the school. They receive warm and nurturing care and support from the dedicated team of staff, who feel privileged to support students to succeed. One member of staff said, ‘The school places students at the centre, and it’s somewhere value-based where I can make a positive difference.’ Parents are equally enthusiastic, saying, ‘The school has changed not only our child’s life, but our family’s life beyond question.’
    The Quality of Life (QoL) ethos is firmly embedded. Students attending the residential provision develop socially and emotionally to ensure that they are ready for their next steps. Through developing their independence and social skills, residential students learn to not only care for themselves but also be part of a group, with some making friends for the first time in their lives.
    Students’ and families’ relationships with their dedicated key worker are exceptional. This helps staff to set aims and goals for their future. The key worker role is integral to the success of the QoL approach. Parents’ feedback about staff is special. One parent said, ‘I cannot fault them… They have gone way above and beyond, and I know this was the best decision [for their child to attend].

    How well children and young people are helped and protected: outstanding


    Students feel safe. They approach staff with any worries or concerns, and staff are attuned to each student’s physical and emotional needs. Staff are confident in the process to follow should they be concerned for a student’s welfare, and they know each student’s nuances and recognise small changes in their behaviour.
    The safeguarding approach in the school is exemplary. Vigorous measures are used when serious incidents are reported, and the thorough risk assessing processes assure students’ safety. The school has exceptional processes to work with other agencies to help keep students safe.
    Staff recognise all behaviour as a form of communication and seek to understand what students are trying to express. Behaviour support plans are child-centred and individualised. They support staff to understand students’ needs and ensure that they are comprehensively met.
    Health and safety monitoring arrangements are fastidious. All checks are completed as required with strong management scrutiny. There are excellent individualised plans in line with students’ needs and their understanding of emergency evacuation procedures and danger. Students are protected from unsuitable people working in the school through the meticulous and thoughtful application of safer recruitment practice, which is further enhanced by social media screening.
    Students are supported to learn about a wide range of topics linked to promoting their safety and understanding of the world. For example, they learn about road safety, online exploitation and ‘cuckooing’ as well as wider issues such as British identity, royalty and hot topics in social media. The ever-changing world outside is brought into the school in this way. Staff work very sensitively with students to help them understand the impact this may have on them and the impact that they can have on the world.

    We are particularly pleased that inspectors note our quality-of-life approach. We passionately believe in building student, family, and school quality of life. This is a partnership that utilises the process we have honed and are sharing more widely to help the wider autistic community.




    Collaborative work between care, education and health professionals has provided young  people with the best possible opportunities to grow and develop and they reach their full  potential. (Ofsted)